Start your Engines!


Hello, and welcome to my new blog!

Superheroes in Racecars is now my second attempt at blogging. My first attempt was a little collection of articles called Livio’s Gaming Blog, which I started three years ago. Unfortunately, it was difficult to keep the blog updated while also attending university. Having just graduated last month, I think it’s time I got back into blogging, especially since there are so many topics that I’ve been itching to write about during the last couple of years.

Looking back, I find that my first blog was way too serious sometimes. I remember having had the explicit goal of making that blog be more about content than about myself, and while my constant strive for quality was definitely one of the strong points of that blog, it kinda gave it a weird personality that I’m just not satisfied with anymore. With this new blog, I’m looking forward to using a more casual and “bloggy” tone—one where every post doesn’t have to be a giant article that explores a topic at great depth. I’ll probably still write those kinds of articles from time to time, though, but they (hopefully) won’t be the norm.

I’m personally really looking forward to writing about a larger variety of topics. Rather than strictly focusing on game design and development, I also plan to talk about programming, education, career advice, community management, other fields of art and entertainment, and much more. As the title of the blog suggests, Superheroes in Racecars will probably still end up being mostly about games and entertainment in one form or another. And I think the title also reflects my affinity towards children’s entertainment, since this field is often more imaginative and lighthearted than other fields of entertainment.

Anyway, I hope to create some good reads on this blog, so wish me luck!

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